Paying It Forward…
I’m offering a full scholarship to a Writers Digest workshop. I’ve just signed with a literary agent — again. First time around was pretty disappointing. This time, though, signing with Amy Collins of Talcott…
I’m offering a full scholarship to a Writers Digest workshop. I’ve just signed with a literary agent — again. First time around was pretty disappointing. This time, though, signing with Amy Collins of Talcott…
It’s been a strange couple of years for all of us since I last posted: not just because of COVID, but more importantly, the profoundly destabilizing, disorienting force the pandemic has been in our culture.…
While all of us love a good romance, I’ve come to the conclusion that we read them for different reasons. One reason is no better than another, but I'm going to suggest that it's important…
Okay—you have a brand-new book by a new-to-you author, and you’ve been itching to dive into it. Finally you have enough peace and quiet to start. The strong writing draws you into the story world…