Blood and Dirt Excerpts
If you'd like to read the opening chapters, I've got Blood and Dirt excerpts sprinkled around the internet, plus a few blog interviews. Here's a map to get around: August 21st with Clare London -…
If you'd like to read the opening chapters, I've got Blood and Dirt excerpts sprinkled around the internet, plus a few blog interviews. Here's a map to get around: August 21st with Clare London -…
Since Friday I've had interviews and articles posted on fellow author blogs, part of my effort to get the word out about the release of The Companion. Thinking that some of those posts might be…
I'm so thrilled with the cover art for The Companion, finalized this week with Paul Richmond of the Dreamspinner art department! Original art by Dan Skinner. This is the back cover copy: Shepherd Bucknam hasn’t…