Happy new 26,000 year cycle, everyone!
And in case you haven’t noticed, the world didn’t come to an end yesterday! The Mayan calendar never said this would be the end of the world. It said this would be the end of one cycle and the beginning of another.
The solstice is my big holiday during this season, and this year it was an especially powerful one for me. I can’t remember the last time I moved into the new year feeling so enthusiastic.
I feel the new year’s promise pushing to be realized, in spite of the violence and madness around us, the avarice and aggression — the venal arrogance that seems rampant. I say there’s something else, something beautiful, on the move as well, and while these may be unstable times, they can also be creative times.
Ultimately, I believe we are responsible for our own behavior, and that it is our only gift to the world. Please — be courageous. Plant the seeds of kindness, generosity, respect, empathy and sanity wherever you can, even in unfriendly soil.
And may your new year be filled with creativity, wonder, blessings, love, health and happiness!
2 Replies to “Happy New 26,000 Year Cycle!”
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Thank you for your gifts of heart and understanding Lloyd. Blessings to you.
Love from all of us.
p.s. Lloyd …Lorence adds… “YES!” beautiful words from a beautiful person!”